If you publish and you're imperfect, you'll have errors. If you're also conscientious, you'll have corrections. At McSweeney's, David Copper speculated on what a corrections column in Penthouse Forum might look like. One example:
In the letter "And Wifey Makes Three," the letter writer stated: "My wife was eager to engage in a threesome with me and our incredibly hot 19-year-old babysitter." The sentence should read: "My wife was disgusted, repulsed, and, in every imaginable way, opposed to the thought of engaging in a threesome with me and our incredibly hot 19-year-old babysitter." Nor did the wife "wildly undulate" while seated on the face of the babysitter, or "moan in unending pleasure" as she watched her "superstud" of a husband give the babysitter "a good seeing-to." The letter writer also doesn't fight crime on the weekends from the confines of a secret underground lair.
But wouldn't it be "our incredibly hot 19-year-old babysitter and me"? ;)
Ha! Not that you were looking for an answer, but whereas "I and John went to the mall" would just sound weird, either "They took John and me to the mall" or "They took me and John to the mall" is fine. There may be a point of politeness against mentioning yourself first, but there's no point of grammar.
The "me and..." construction is actually grammatically correct? I love this blog!
No mention of the implied infanitilsm fantasy? Shouldn't that be "our children's incredibly hot babysitter?"
As with everything in McSweeney's, simply not quite funny ... or maybe past funny and back to unfunny. It might be if they didn't try so hard, like that guy at the office who hosts parties at which four people reluctantly show up and constantly check their watches the whole while. Which is how I've always thought of Dave Eggers.
Jim Thomsen
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