Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Bill said...

Oh, I always pronounce. Think of Homer Simpson and the "Flanderseseses."

Unknown said...

A snippet from the Arkansas Times Blog --- March 5, 2007

Arkansas's legislature:
Rep. Steve Harrelson's resolution to make the possessive form of Arkansas end in an apostrophe s won unanimous House approval today. On to the Senate. Parker Westbrook, the Nashville historian who's made this a one-man crusade, is a happy man today.

PS -- As comments note, it's non-binding. It's also correct, no matter what the Associated Press might think.

Phillip Blanchard said...

Now don't you feel awful about those things you said?

The D said...

What does Bill have to say about putting periods inside quotation marks?

Bill said...

Lynne Truss is English, so the comma placement is correct for her.