The list keeps growing. I've been biting my tongue for 15 years while my co-workers referred to Lotus Notes as "Lotus." (If anything, the e-mail program originally produced by Lotus Software is "Notes," the way Microsoft Word is "Word" and not "Microsoft.") Thankfully, the Post just switched from Lotus to Microsoft -- I mean, from Notes to Outlook.
And I was rather surprised to learn that everyone but me refers to the restaurant chain Noodles & Company as "Noodles."
Then there was the cellphone conversation I overheard today, in which a woman was telling her kid's father or nanny or babysitter that it was almost time for "Sesame." Not "Sesame Street" or "The Street" -- "Sesame." Maybe she can get together with the "Noodles" people and do some Chinese cooking.
Does MSGPOST still exist?
My (least) favorite: when people ask for my "social", meaning my Social Security Number.
Yep, Greg, it still exists.
I knew a fellow who often traveled in Africa. He hated it when fellow travelers would refer to the capital of Ethiopia as "Addis". The name means "New Flower", so calling it "Addis" is just saying "New" ... so remember to always say "Addis Ababa".
My favorite: "satellite," for satellite dish, heard in rural Mississippi a mile from the blacktop.
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